Coding Challenges Unlocked

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Smart Coder Program

Master Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms

Our Curriculum

Module I

Basics of Programming, Data Types & Operators, Complexity Analysis, Bit-Manipulation & Applications, Recursion & Backtracking

Module II

Sorting & Searching Techniques, Hashing Implementation & Libraries, Subarrays & Subsequences, Strings & Rolling Hash, Mixed-bag Concepts

Module III

Stacks & Queues, Linked Lists, LRU Cache, Trees - Binary Trees & Binary Search Trees, Priority Queues, Trie DS & Applications

Module IV

Dynamic Programming, Memoization vs Tabulation, Knapsack Problem & Applications, Graph Traversals, Graph Algorithms - Dijkstra's, Topological Sorting, MST

Duration: 14-16 Weeks

Only at ₹34,999/-

Coding 101 Program

Master Fundamentals of Coding

Our Curriculum

Module I

Programming Fundamentals, Variables & Data Types, Flow Controls & I/O, Good Coding Practices

Module II

Problem Solving, Data Type Ranges & Operators, Problems on Arrays & Matrices, Pattern Printing

Module III

String Manipulation, Character Arrays & Strings, String Operations & Problems on Strings

Module IV

Basics of DSA, Complexity Analysis of Algorithms, Basic Sorting & Searching Algorithms, Usage of Hashing Libraries

Duration: 4 Weeks

Only at ₹4,999/-

The Smart Instructor

Lowest Common Ancestor In Binary Trees & Binary Search Trees

Given a Binary Tree or a Binary Search Tree, find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of the given two nodes in the tree.

Lowest Common Ancestor In Binary Trees & Binary Search Trees

Given a Binary Tree or a Binary Search Tree, find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of the given two nodes in the tree.

Binary Tree Tilt

Given a binary tree, find the sum of tilts of all the nodes in the tree. A tilt of a node is the absolute difference between the sum of left and right subtrees of that node.


Binary Tree Pruning

Given the root of a Binary Tree which contains only 0's and 1's as its node values, prune the nodes which doesn't contain 1 in either of its subtrees.


Converting BST to Greater Tree

A Greater tree of a Binary Search Tree (BST) is where every key of the original BST is changed to the original key plus the sum of all keys greater than the original key in the BST. Convert given BST to Greater Tree.


Identifying Same and Symmetric Trees

Given two Binary Trees p and q, we have to check if those two trees are the same and check if the trees are symmetric.


Boolean Binary Tree Evaluation

Evaluate the Binary Tree's final boolean value based on the given conditions and the value present at the nodes.


Univalued Tree Problem

Given a Binary Tree, check if it's Univalued. A Binary Tree is called Univalued if all the nodes of the tree contain the same value.


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